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Ocholi Esq: Before You Pay For A Masterclass!

Ocholi Esq: Before You Pay For A Masterclass! 

-Ocholi Okutepa, Esq. 

Before we dive in, let me state clearly that there are masterclasses worth attending and many more that are an absolute waste of your time.

I am particularly firm in my view because in this age and time too many people are doing masterclasses when they have mastered nothing. So, we now have Masterclass on every and anything.

Here are a few things I like to share about paying for a class:

1. Why do you want to attend one? If the class does not hold any particular value to your business/career/personal etc goals with definable outcome, you are just rolling with the Joneses!

2. Why is the organiser doing the class?
Have you observed their vision and mission and are convinced they are more about the value you will get than the profit they will make? The balance is that you are certain of what they have to offer you before they get paid.

3. Do they have fruits by which you can proof them?
If a commodity hasn’t proven effective particularly in the lives of others, why should I pay for it?
Look closely, those who are smart first focus on giving value before putting a cost to things. Don’t surrender your money and yourself to be used as a guinea pig for their experiment. You want value, not experiment.

4. Have you heard the resource person(s) on other platforms and have you had any sneak peak into the value you are paying for?
Are they on social media, have you heard or read them?
Have you been at any event where they gave any useful value?
What does their free resource say about their paid resource?
I don’t mean a displayed curriculum of what the class will be, where have you seen any value from them that you can risk your money on?

See, don’t just waste money because the flyer was colorful or the topic was catchy. What you are out to exchange your money for is definite and definable value.

The four points I have raised with you are not in themselves exhaustive but they would get you thinking and evaluating things before you commit funds to masterclasses.

If you use your sense and discernment, you won’t end up paying for nonsense like many have done.

Masterclasses are great only when they are valuable.

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