The LLP Africa

The benefits of Healthy Eating

– Echelon Health

We’re often told that we need to follow a healthy, balanced diet, but just why is healthy eating important?

When we talk about healthy eating, we mean eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions.

Following a healthy, balanced diet helps your body to get the nutrition and energy it needs to stay healthy, active and well. This type of diet will help you to maintain good health, a healthy weight, and help you to feel your best.

A healthy diet needs to incorporate a range of different foods and should typically consist of:

Eating a good variety of these foods every day will help you to get a wide range of nutrients from your diet.

The benefits of a healthy diet

What we eat and drink can have a huge impact on our bodies and our health, which is why a healthy diet is so important.

There are many benefits of eating healthily. Healthy eating can:

The benefits of a healthy diet are huge — providing the energy and nutrients we need to keep active throughout the day while ensuring that we remain healthy far into the future.

The effects of poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is when we don’t get enough of the nutrients we need from our diet. This may happen for a number of reasons, such as following a diet that doesn’t contain a wide variety of healthy, nutritional foods. It can also occur when we follow a diet that is high in saturated fats, salt and sugar. Poor nutrition can also be caused by not eating enough or eating too much.

Some of the effects of poor nutrition include:

As you can see, poor nutrition can have a big impact on your overall health and wellbeing, being linked to a number of chronic health conditions. So what can we do to avoid the adverse effects of poor nutrition and eat as healthily as possible?

Healthy Eating Tips

If you want to start eating more healthily, there are a number of easy changes you can make to your diet.

Here are some healthy eating tips:

Following these healthy eating tips can help you to maintain good health and reap the benefits of a balanced, nutritious diet.

Eating Healthy Plan

Creating an ‘eating healthy’ plan can feel hard sometimes, especially if you’re rushed for time or you’ve fallen into an unhealthy dietary routine due to convenience.

The key points to remember are to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and healthy sources of protein (like fish or pulses) while reducing processed food, sugar and alcohol you drink.

Don’t be discouraged if you fall back on old habits, and don’t deny yourself treats or food you enjoy  you’ll only feel guilty and give up on your efforts. Instead, just try to reduce your intake of ‘unhealthy’ foods and swap them out for healthier alternatives where you can.


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