–Ocholi Okutepa, Esq.
Don’t die unhappy because of what you haven’t got!
There is luxury where you are. Make your current level fun enough on your way to your next level.
If all you got for lunch is roast corn, add some pear or coconut. If you find garri, find cold water, a sachet of milk may not be expensive for you and certainly you don’t need a bottle of groundnut, get the one you can afford and load it in like you don’t care.
You see my dear friends, we are all on a journey but not all of us know how to travel happy.
I have flown business and I have flown economy. I have done taxis and I have been in keke (tricycles ) and motorcycles. I have had cars and I have been carless. In all this, I must remember that I have had breath and still have it. I was alive and I am still alive. So, be grateful you are alive and maximize where you are.
You see, a few days ago I decided to walk home from the office. It was past 6pm. I plugged my ears, blasted Kirk Franklin “smile again” and walked the hour plus home. I could call a taxi. In fact Julia had offered to come pick me. I wanted this time to pray walk and to also think a few things through.
As I walked, I saw cars. I mean, real cars. I saw motor cars too, those ones that barely managed to move. Bikes flashed past me many times. I saw inequality. I saw how we are very differently positioned in life. What I don’t think we all realised was that we are all entitled to enjoy life at whatever level.
Stay ambitious enough for where you want to get to but make sure you maximally enjoy life where you are and at all levels before you get to dreams.
Don’t waste any day loosing your joy and sleep. Enjoy today whatever level you are at.